Today is Sunday. I don't do any workouts on Sunday. It is my day of rest. But today is the day I can tell you all the new stats and so on. I decided to save myself a lot of work. I will post my progress pictures up, but instead of writing down all my stats, I will refer you to my bodyspace at I will post the link up on the side of the blog, and you guys can use it to go and look at my profile on That way I don't have to type so much information. As I learn to use my bodyspace, I might be able to use it for other things as well. I also have a blog of sorts at my bodyspace, but I like the one I have here lots better. That one I will probably post in, but if I do, it'll just be a copy of whats in here. That way people at can see what I'm doing and help me out a bit. It's not as nice, the blog there, so if you want a nice clean layout, I suggest you stick with this one. This'll have more on it anyways, when it comes to posts. My stats are the only things you can go to look at on at my bodyspace. They also show you graphs and stuff, and I'll have progress pictures there as well.
Well, here is todays progress pictures:

Before- February 25 2007
Weight 242.2 lbs

So Far- March 4th 2007
Weight 241.6 lbs Body Fat 31 %
Won't notice much change, but there is a change. I think I'll start counting Calories again tomorrow. I do a way nicer job if I can keep what I eat organized. So you might see calories posted up again.
Well, I need to go to bed, boss wants to do some farm work catch-up, so I'm going at 10:00 am again for most days of the week, accept Wednesday- which i have off.
Best In Health,
Cuyler Callahan
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