Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Well, today was my first weight training day. Yesterday was cardio, today was weight training my legs, shoulders, and abs. I was training a lot longer then my 30-45 min I should have. The reason being is I am finding the weights I should be lifting, so it was a lot of trial and error. Hopefully my next training day of my legs, shoulders, and abs, I should be able to get in and out of training within 30-45 minutes.

The weights I trained at for my failure reps where:

Hack Squats: 200 lbs
Deadlift: 200 lbs

Shoulder Press: 130 lbs- this was two much weight. I could only do 3 reps. Hopefully by next training session of my shoulders I'll be able to lift it at least 4 times.

Weighted Crunches: 100 lbs. I need more weight then this. Probably 150 lbs, or 200 lbs, it just hurts my chest with that much weight sitting on it.

Weighted Leg Lift: Body weight. It is pretty hard, never realized how hard it was.

My eating schedule, I think was an improvement, well kinda I suppose. It was all going good, got home, and my siblings tempted me with homemade ice cream, then my dad made popcorn, so I had some of that.

My eating schedule is as follows:

Breakfast-9:00 am

2 eggs- 90 cals ea.
2 whole wheat, made from recipe, toasted, slices- 128 ea.
little sprinkled cheese- 20 cals
2 slices sandwich meat, roast beef- 11 cals ea.
Total Cals- 478 cals

Lunch- 12:00 pm

1 cup whole fresh farm milk- 230 cals
4 slice of boughten whole wheat bread-190 cals ea.
1 orange- 85 cal
little bag nacho chips- 139 cals
1 tbls mayonnaise- 103 cals
2 processed cheese slices- 40 cal ea.
2 slices sandwich meat-42 cal ea.
Total Cals- 1481 cals- I gotta cut back on lunch.

Supper- 4:30 pm

2 cups mixed potatoes and carrots- 228 cals total
1 low fat sausage- 60 cals
1 cup whole fresh farm milk- 230 cals
4 tbls gravy- 22 cals ea.
Total- 606 cals

After Supper Meal- 8:00 pm

2 nutri-grain bars- 150 cals ea.
Total- 300 cals

Late night meal- 11:00 pm

1 1/2 cup homemade chocolate ice cream- 143 cals per 1/2 cup
Crap load of popcorn- Estimate- 700!!!! cals
1 can gingerale- 140 cals
Total-1269 cals

Daily Total- 4134 cals

Wow, that was a bad nutrition day. I really need to watch my food more. If I'm going to lose fat, I need to create a calorie deficit, and thats not going to happen if I end up eating double what I need. Maybe tomorrow I'll do better. I have HIIT Cardio Tomorrow. I wish I could find some sort of breath mask that would let me run outside in the winter, cause the treadmills a pain in the but, especially when it comes to HIIT cardio.

Well, I need to go to bed, we are jackhammering again tomorrow at 10:00 am. Oh goody, my bones are already starting to rattle at the thought of it. I'm glad I don't do jackhammering as an everyday job.

Best in Health,

Cuyler Callahan

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